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Test API

node v14.20.1
version: 0.20.0
// Runkit wrapper for express.js https://runkit.com/docs/endpoint var express = require("@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0"); var responseTime = require('response-time'); const axios = require('axios'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var got = require("got@11.8.2"); var app = express(exports); app.use(responseTime()); app.use(bodyParser.json()); const rateLimitRecipes = true; // Custom middleware function that overrides the route response for certain routes function customResponseMiddleware(req, res, next) { // Check if the request URL matches the specific route you want to override if (req.url.startsWith('/recipe')) { // Override the route's response with a custom response return res.status(429).json({ message: 'Rate limit hit. Please try again later.' }); } // If the route doesn't match, continue with the normal route handling next(); } if (rateLimitRecipes) { // Register the custom middleware globally app.use(customResponseMiddleware); } function pluralize(count, noun, suffix = 's') { return `${count} ${noun}${count !== 1 ? suffix : ''}`; } app.post("/run-process", (req, res) => { const { callbackUrl } = req.body; var data = { process_id: req.body.process_id, status: 'running', callbackUrl: callbackUrl }; // Return HTTP 200 response immediately console.log(`Sending 200 response with Callback URL: ${callbackUrl}`); res.status(200).send(data); // After 45 secs, send a POST request to callbackUrl const delay = 45000; // in milliseconds setTimeout(() => { var ts = Date.now(); data.status = 'complete'; data.completed_at = ts; console.log(`Setting up callback request with 'setTimeout' | Callback URL: ${callbackUrl}`); axios.post(callbackUrl, data) .then(response => { console.log(`Callback successful: ${response.data}. Callback URL: ${callbackUrl}`); }) .catch(error => { console.error(`Callback failed: ${error}. Callback URL: ${callbackUrl}`); }); }, delay); }); app.post("/hello", (req, res) => { var delay; if (req.query.delay && !isNaN(req.query.delay)) { delay = req.query.delay; } else { delay = 0; } console.log(`request-params: ${JSON.stringify(req.query)}`); setTimeout((() => { var data = {message: `Hello there! I waited ${pluralize(delay/1000, 'second')} to respond!`}; console.log(`response-body: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); res.send(data); }), delay) }); app.get("/action", (req, res) => { var ts = Date.now(); var data; var sendError = false; if (sendError) { data = {error: 'An error occurred!'}; res.status(401); } else { data = {id: ts}; } res.send(data); }); app.get("/recipe/:id", async (req, res) => { var recipeURL = `https://auth-json-server.zapier-staging.com/recipes/${req.params.id}?api_key=secret`; console.log(`Getting from: ${recipeURL}`); try { var data = await got(recipeURL).json(); res.send([data]); } catch (error) { console.log(error); res.status(500); res.send({ error: error.message }); } }); app.get("/lead/:id", (req, res) => { var data = []; var now = new Date(); if (req.params.id == '1234567') { var lead = {}; lead.id = req.params.id; lead.ts = Math.floor(now / 1000); lead.ts_friendly = now.toISOString(); data.push(lead); res.send(data); } else { res.send(data); } }); app.get("/status/:code", (req, res) => { res.status(req.params.code); // var data = {status: req.params.code}; var data = {}; res.send(data); }); app.post("/echo/:code", (req, res) => { res.status(req.params.code); const payload = req.body; // Send the payload in the response res.json({ payload }); }); app.get("/lead/:id/details", (req, res) => { if (req.params.id == '1234567') { var lead = {}; var now = new Date(); lead.id = req.params.id; lead.ts = Math.floor(now / 1000); lead.ts_friendly = now.toISOString(); lead.name = "John Smith"; lead.email = "john.smith@test.com"; lead.mobile = "+00 123 456 789"; res.send(lead); } else { res.send(); } }); app.post("/auth", (req, res) => { console.log(req.body); if (req.body.username === 'test' && req.body.password === '1234567890') { var data = {}; data.access_token = 'ABCDEF999XYZ'; data.authorized_accounts = ["Birdseed Test Zapier", "BirdSeed Sales Website"]; console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); res.send(data); } else { var error = {}; error.code = '401 - Unauthorized'; error.message = 'Username/password incorrect' res.status(401); res.send(error); } }); app.post("/escaped-unicode", (req, res) => { var data = `{ "data": { "createCard": null }, "errors": [ { "message": "Invalid input: what_s_the_amount_due ([\"Testy Tester \u003cesty.tester@testing.com\u003e\"])", "locations": [ { "line": 3, "column": 5 } ], "path": [ "createCard" ], "code": 30000, "type": "RuntimeError" } ] }`; res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json'); res.send(data); });

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