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scval conversion

node v18.11.0
version: 1.0.0
const SorobanClient = require('soroban-client') const xdr = SorobanClient.xdr console.log(xdr.ScVal) const getLedgerKeySymbol = (contractId, symbolText) => { const ledgerKey = xdr.LedgerKey.contractData( new xdr.LedgerKeyContractData({ contractId: Buffer.from(contractId, 'hex'), key: xdr.ScVal.scvBytes(symbolText) }) ) return ledgerKey.toXDR('base64') } console.log(getLedgerKeySymbol( 'f47e3e34187dc84aa9ff41108082d289cdf6e40720cdfba8fcd9974369b9d32e', Buffer.from('00000013000000000000000094b0b88de01848b2b1d6cce44324afe7ad1ac8594faf042fc14e0587d44dd7b1', 'hex') ))

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